Zombie Events

Undead Delights
Every October, zombies have returned to War Commander, bringing with them unique game mechanics and terrorizing fun.
The first base that we had players attack and destroy lab buildings that released zombies and every building they destroy or units that they kill create more zombies. This domino effect always was a fun way to start the zombie event.

Inspired by Cinema
Many of the event bases had their layouts inspired by famous movies. In this World War Z style base I created the feeling of the signature wall of zombies by stacking up zombie spawner buildings and setting up some random zombie unit patrols among them.
Players needed to use special Fire Tech to do extra damage to the zombies or risk being overwhelmed by the zombie masses.
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Boss Fight
At the end of each zombie event, players has to face off against a Boss Unit. This was usually the leader of the zombie armies, a mad scientist named Zacheriah Kane. If players could defeat him they were able to earn many limited time prizes including trophy buildings for their base and Zombie Tech to create more zombies in battle.

Commanding Zombies
The zombie events also awarded single-use unit zombies which could be used in a Zombies Only Track consisting of simpler bases where you had to use the right kind of zombie to infect and destroy each base. Given players generally fight with units that shoot, the option to command deadly melee units was a fresh experience of puzzles to be solved.

Zombie Event Videos
I also had the pleasure of creating event videos to promote each year's zombie event. This involved getting footage of the bases and the prizes along with working with the artists to create a more cinematic zombie experience. Some years we even filmed a short live action sequence with some of the dev team combating zombies. I did all of the editing in Adobe Premiere with some effects sequences in Adobe After Effects.